Turn every call into an opportunity to improve the customer experience

Have you ever dreamed of being able to understand every conversation with your customers, identify all their needs and resolve them with precision?

Combine your CRC's thousands of call hours with artificial intelligence, and transform your voice data into concrete, prioritized actions to deliver an exceptional customer experience.


The problems of contact centres without Speech Analytics :

The Voice of the Customer is as important as it is difficult to harness

Being aware of the benefits of good customer knowledge is essential to improving your customer experience. But making the most of it is no mean feat.

Incomplete identification of call reasons

Your current methods don't capture and quantify the full diversity of your customer interactions, making it difficult to understand needs and implement relevant action plans.

Unqualified measure of dissatisfaction

Traditional surveys such as NPS and CSAT do not provide sufficiently detailed information to fully understand the sources and severity of customer dissatisfaction, and to remedy it effectively.

Approximate follow-up of action plans

Without the right tools, it's difficult to measure the impact of your customer experience improvement initiatives, hampering your ability to adjust strategies in real time and engage your teams in your challenges.

Speech Analytics solutions in the contact centre:

Put your customers at the heart of your CX strategies with Speech Analytics

Motivate, prioritize and track your action plans with structured, enriched and accessible customer data using Batvoice AI technology.

Detailed subject identification

Visualize and analyze in detail the topics raised during customer calls, enabling an in-depth understanding of their needs and concerns.

Complete analysis of dissatisfaction

Quickly detect sources of dissatisfaction and prioritize problems to be solved thanks to advanced acoustic and semantic analysis.

Real-time monitoring of action plans

Anticipate trends, measure the effectiveness of corrective actions and react to critical situations in real time, thanks to integrated monitoring and alert functions.

Our customers have transformed their customer experience with Batvoice

You're not alone in finding it difficult to understand your customers' needs and dissatisfactions.

Vanessa from the Pierre et Vacances Center Parcs group tells you how she was able to detect and resolve a recurring irritant within her customer service department.

Access our product demo:

Transform your approach to customer experience with Speech Analytics

Discover how our solution can help you proactively understand and act on your customers' needs. Unleash the potential of your contact center by putting the customer at the center of your customer relationship improvement processes with Batvoice.


Our customers say it best

1 point of conversion, when you estimate that we are at 30% of conversion on average, that we make 200 million [of sales by telephone per year], if you add 1 point, you do the calculation, we are talking about many millions of euros and this is very concrete.
Grégory Sion Managing Director, Sales, Innovation, Digital
Pierre & Vacances Center Parcs Group
We have reduced the rate of painpoints per call by 19%, mechanically we have also reduced the number of calls by 17%. Overall, on my scale, this represents savings of €300,000.

This has enabled us to gain 1 conversion point, i.e. €1.5 million.

Eric Poueys Customer Relations Director Europe
Pierre & Vacances Center Parcs Group
It is simple, modern and effective. The dashboard is very intuitive, helps to make an initial analysis, to exploit the results, to make observations and then to set up and track actions.

The solution's minimalist design makes the tool pleasant to use and extremely effective.

Pero Almeida Quality Training Coordinator
Armatis LC
My area, that of customer management and the customer experience, has been identified as a strategic area for the future, with the Customer Voice that we have managed to make visible with this type of approach and this type of tool.
Eric Poueys Director of Customer Relations Europe
Pierre & Vacances Center Parcs Group
Discover Batvoice in action

How to test Batvoice AI?

The team responds to your account creation requests live from the chat, or by your preferred means of contact.

What technical efforts are required?

Batvoice AI is compatible with all telephony solutions used in call centres. We will need access credentials to your recording platform. The solution is compatible with all protocols (API, SFTP, etc.).

What results can we expect?

The thousands of hours of feedback enabled by Speech Analytics, multiplied by each customer, opens up a wide range of high value benefits to our customers: increased sales, conversion rates,upsell and cross-sell, prediction of customer ch urn and reduction of churn, improved customer experience and customer satisfaction, quality assurance and call compliance Depending on your role and objectives, you can help your supervisors and evaluators improve your quality processes with automated Quality Monitoring or improve your customer knowledge with Voice of the Customer.

What efforts by business teams are required?

Batvoice first gets in touch with your account administrator and helps you set up your users' accounts, then offers you a roadmap with two workshops, before giving you access to your new knowledge base of best practices, methods and tools to succeed in your Speech Analytics project. Your teams master the tools and are operational within a few weeks thanks to the dedicated training content of our Batvoice Academy.

Auto QM © Quality Monitoring users notice the time and efficiency gains from the first minutes of use. Batvoice adapts to your quality processes and allows you to easily migrate your internal grids, evaluations and user accounts.

Voice of the Customer users have key information on customer expectations to launch actions and monitor their impact. A strong involvement of the teams around the continuous improvement of the brand and image, the organisation and the processes is necessary to get the full benefits.

What is this technology?

Batvoice AI is based on technologies developed 100% in-house by our R&D department: speech-to-text recognition, natural language processing, affective & social signal processing, predictive analysis. This in-house development is in line with our vision of responsible and ethical AI and the growing importance of data sovereignty, values shared with the VoiceLab, of which Batvoice is a co-founding member.

Is it GDPR compliant?

- Your information message at the beginning of the call to your customers remains unchanged: "this call may be recorded for quality and training purposes."
- Batvoice automatically anonymises the personal data contained in the audio of the calls and in their transcription.
- The solution is available either in the "Cloud" or "On premise".
- Cloud data is processed in the European Union in accordance with GDPR policy.

Ready to try Batvoice AI?

Write us a few lines! We'll get back to you within 24 hours to answer your questions and offer you a demonstration.
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